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Army of Darkness Forever #2 Covers

By 09.11.23January 23rd, 2024News

Dynamite has released the covers for Army of Darkness Forever issue #2. Issue #2 will be available in comic book stores on November 8th!

In this issue: It’s Robots vs. Deadites as the legendary Ash Williams takes charge of the future… kind of. Meanwhile, in the present, Bad Ash is being very, very bad. And back in Medieval Times? Well, Evil Ash has gone to pieces…literally! Picking up immediately after the indelible Director’s Cut ending of Army of Darkness, this new series from writer/mastermind TONY FLEECS and artist JUSTIN GREENWOOD features incredible covers from icons of comics horror, including TONY FLEECS himself, East of West artist Nick Dragotta, the zombie king ARTHUR SUYDAM, and master painter FRANCESCO MATTINA.

Check out variant covers below:

Army of Darkness Forever Issue #2 Variant

Army of Darkness Forever Issue #2 Variant

Army of Darkness Forever Issue #2 Variant

Army of Darkness Forever Issue #2 Variant

Army of Darkness Forever Issue #2 Variant