Sabre Interactive has released the Hail to the King update for Evil Dead: The game. The major update brings a new survivor, new weapons, a new single-player mission, new premium outfits, and game fixes. Check out the trailer and patch notes here!
New Content
• New Survivor: Blacksmith (Support)
• New Weapons:
– Rapid Fire Crossbow
– Quarterstaff
• New Single Player Mission: Out of Tricks
• New Premium Outfits:
– Lord Arthur – Rightful King
– Warrior Ash Williams – S-mart Halloween
– Warrior Ash Williams – Sellsword
– Henry The Red – Berserker Cosplay
– Henry The Red – Red Pikeman
New Changes
• Legacy of El Brujo: Now, besides starting with an amulet, Pablo can carry one more amulet and provide more shield to the nearby teammates when using an amulet
• Infernal Camouflage: When Pablo shields a teammate, they will receive infernal camouflage for 8 seconds
• Leaders Pink F improvement: Now, leaders can apply more pink F
• The player will be able to press the “interact” button before reaching an interactable and still collect it
• The upper arrow no longer appears after refreshing the additional content in the collection after purchasing something in the in-game store
• Survivors take damage inside the car when hit by the demonic units
• Possessed survivors no longer get stuck in the car if the player runs over it and gets out abruptly
• Demons can no longer see other Survivor’s positive tokens
• “Carry soul to the altar” status will no longer continue to be displayed after Survivor drops the soul from their inventory
• Henrietta’s Gas skill duration will no longer stack per Boss Summon if the “Lingering Gas” skill is active
• Stamina will not be spent without sprinting if the player presses the sprint button at the end of some animations
• The Witch is no longer able to use the “Potion pitcher” ability before the boss spawn animation is finished
• The “Y” / “Triangle” button on controllers will be activated the first time player runs toward a target
• Title (Missing Text)” and “Lorem ipsum” text will no longer appear after the player exits from any mission and returns to the Mission Menu
• Players won’t get soft-locked if they send a Report and then rapidly send Friend Requests during the “Please wait” pop-up
• Blue double barrel will 100% spawn in Bronson’s Cave and Circus Cages location during Mission 1
• Demons will no longer see weapons with a red outline, even on a character with no fear if it was dropped by scared Survivor previously
• The grab ability of any Boss can no longer cancel Mia’s Active skill and its effects
• Ed Getley’s flashlight can be switched off during active skill time
• The player will no longer be slowed down or stuck when driving a car and quickly entering Fairview Campground
• Demonic units will no longer fly away when possessed with exactly the minimum Evil Energy cost to possess
• VFX and effect of the Warlord’s Bad Influence aura will be correctly located in the possessed character if it was activated during possession animation
• Double Pierce ability will now show VFX and inflict Survivors with Blight on AI-controlled Prisoner Skeleton
• Demon Units will not be distorted/glitched after being shot/killed with a Nailgun
• Henrietta’s gas will no longer cancel Survivors’ active skills animations and effects
• Various getting stuck, collisions, and stability fixes
Balance Updates
• Survivor Pablo’s Legacy of El Brujo extra shield amount is set at a value of 20 for 8 seconds and includes an additional charge
• Survivor Lord Arthur’s Melee increased from 3 to 5, and Health, Stamina, and Shield increased from 3 to 4
• Survivor Ash Williams’ Melee, Ranged, Health, Stamina, and Shield increased from 3 to 4
• Survivor Annie Knowby’s Range increased from 3 to 5, and Health, Stamina, and Shield increased from 3 to 4
• Survivor Kelly’s Weapon Master: Meat Hammer damage increased from 30% to 60%
• Survivor Kelly’s bleeding damage increased from 20% to 25%
• Puppeteer “Puppet Master: Power possesses” Cooldown increased from 60 seconds to 80 seconds
• Puppeteer “Puppet Master: Power Possess” damage (at the highest level, 45) decreased from 25% to 15%