Our hero. He was once a simple S-Mart clerk in the housewares department, until he met up with the Necronomicon. Lands in 1300s England minus a hand and plus a chainsaw. Has a really bad short term memory.

S-Mart Clerk
One of Ash’s S-Mart co-workers. He absolutely doesn’t believe Ash’s story about traveling to the past.

Ash’s girlfriend. She makes the mistake of going on a weekend trip with Ash to a secluded woodland cabin.

Leader of a small group of Brits, he’s been battling demons for an untold amount of time before Ash’s arrival. When Ash proves his mettle in the pity, the people turn to him as their chosen one, and Arthur is somewhat reluctant to cede any sort of control to Ash.

Prophet and soothsayer, he’s the only one of the group to have studied the Necronomicon in detail, and his recognizing Ash’s face from the book’s illustrations helps save Ash’s life.

Duke Henry the Red
A Scotsman who’s been battling Arthur even as the Evil has come to claim his own people. When Ash demands that he be released from Arthur’s custody, he returns the favor by appearing with full reinforcements to fight the evil during the final battle, helping them win.

Gold Tooth
Arthur’s man at arms and head torturer, apparently operates things down in the pit.

A maiden among Arthur’s people, she lost her brother in Henry and Arthur’s never ending border war. She initially blames Ash for this problem, and the two of them clash until they kiss. She is temporarily possessed by the evil after being kidnapped by Bad Ash, but is rescued (so to speak) from her fate by Ash.

Pit Deadite #1
A woman-shaped Deadite who dwells in the darkness of a subterranean, liquid-filled pit, and is one of the Deadites to whom Arthur has fed his prisoners during his war with Henry.

Pit Deadite #2
Another Deadite that dwells within the pit; provides a more formidable challenge than the first Pit Witch.

Possessed Witch
Possessed while stirring up a feast for Ash, he is forced to cut her down to both protect Sheila and himself.

A citizen of Arthur’s kingdom, who helps Ash build his mechanical hand from a suit of armor.

Cowardly Warrior
Pledges his steel to Ash’s cause.

Tiny Ashes
Spawned after Ash shatters a mirror which contained his reflection, they torment him and pin him down Gulliver style, forcing him to swallow one of their number, who spawns forth from his shoulder and becomes Bad Ash.

Evil Ash
Ash’s evil twin, bratty and mischievous. Ash kills him for the sin of being annoying, then dismembers his body – but he rises more powerful than before. Has Sheila kidnapped and rapes her, turning her into his consort – after nearly winning the battle his dismembered once more and then blown up with gunpowder.

Winged Deadite
A flying demon who steals Sheila from Kandar Castle.

Evil Sheila
Sheila gets captured by the Winged Deadite and forced to turn evil by Evil Ash.

Deadite Captain
Evil Ash’s second in command.

S-Mart Girl
An attractive redhead who is the only one of Ash’s co-workers who believes his story about traveling through time.

An S-Mart customer who’s possessed and then meets her maker in the aisles of the store thanks to Ash.