Writing credits
Sam Raimi
Produced by
Bruce Campbell
Executive Producers
Sam Raimi
Robert G. Tapert
Cinematography by
Tim Philo
Special Effects by
Tom Sullivan
Cinematographic Process:
Super 8 film negative format (mm/video inches)
Printed film format
Aspect Ratio:
1.37 : 1
32 minutes
The Tapert Family Farmhouse in Marshall, Michigan
Interesting Facts
Within the Woods was filmed over a long weekend in 1979 at the Tapert family farm house. The same farm house was later used in the filming of the cellar scenes in The Evil Dead.
The hand-cutting scene was not pre-rehearsed. Ellen was supposed to cut off the entire appendage, but the knife wasn’t sharp enough and didn’t slice all the way through. Instead of ruining the take, Bruce improvised by gnawing the rest of it off. Sam liked it so much, that he decided to use it in the first Evil Dead. Many other scenes from Within the Woods would be explored in greater detail throughout the Evil Dead trilogy.
Within the Woods successfully gained support for the first Evil Dead film, originally titled Book of the Dead. Raimi and his crew were able raise about $90,000 and then it was off to Tennessee where a cult classic was born.