I think you're right DyD.
From memory, there wasn't a lot of any kind of merchandise that was released at the same time as the first three Evil Dead films. The soundtracks were released on vinyl at the same time each film was released of course. I know because I was trying to find anything back then. Off the top of my head (and I'm happy for anyone here to correct me and remind me of anything time specific to DyD's point), when The Evil Dead was released, you could buy the Palace Software game at the same time with the same artwork. If you could afford £80, you could also buy the vide store rental Palace Pictures release but you ran the risk of the police confiscating it (in the UK). Just before Evil Dead 2 was released, you could buy a puff print T Shirt through Fangoria magazine and some comic book shops. Pretty much all we could find back then was magazines and video store posters.
Army Of Darkness merchandise didn't come along until after that film was released, from sequence of events memory it was the comic books and the Movie Maniacs McFarlane AOD Ash figure first then the floodgates were opened .. the Eden Studios Army Of Darkness card game (although they aren't trading cards) in 2004. It's been mainly in the last 20 years that merchandise for all three films has exploded although I expect I've missed mentioning some things.