Ok so I was thinking about this, and noticed something. In Ash vs. Evil Dead Season 1 e1, Ash states that it is the 30th anniversary since he lost his hand (trip to the cabin in ed1&2). And season 1 came out in 2015, but the Evil Dead came out in 1981, and Evil Dead 2 was just a continuation of the story with an added intro because of rights issues. So that already makes no sense to me. Then in season 2 when he goes back in time to 1982, the original events haven’t happened yet. So according to AvED, the original movies take place in 1985?
The Evil Dead: There is no date given for when it takes place. Judging by the clothes and cars, somewhere in the 1970s or 1980s (modern times for when the film was released, which was the early '80s).
Evil Dead II: We know it takes place in October, because Knowby states that on October 1st, he killed his wife. Ed indicated to Annie that he hasn't spoken with her father in a week because there's no phone in the cabin, therefore, what we are seeing in Evil Dead II, takes place in early October. Year unknown. But we do get Annie's birthdate from her possessed mother, and Annie is a young adult, so we can assume it's somewhere around the '80s. Ash does go back to 1300 A.D. according to the prophecy Annie spoke of from the pages of the book.
"When do we begin the translations?"
"Tonight. Is everything all set with my father?"
"Well, it should be but I haven't spoken with him in a week. There's no phone in the cabin.
"It's only been a few hours since I've translated and spoken aloud the first of the demon resurrection passages from the Book of the Dead. And now I fear that my wife has become host to a Kandarian demon. May God forgive me for what I have unleashed unto this earth. Last night Henrietta tried to kill me. … "
[New passage/entry most likely] -
"It's now October 1st, 4:33pm, Henrietta is dead. I could not bring myself to dismember her corpse. But I dragged her down the steps and I buried her. I buried her in the cellar. God help me I buried her in the earthen floor of the fruit cellar."
"Remember that song, Annie? I used to sing it to you when you were a baby. Unlock these chains. Quickly. … You were born September 2nd, 1962. I remember it well because it was snowing. So strange it would be snowing in September."
"In 1300 A.D. they called this man the uh Hero From The Sky. He was prophecized to have destroyed the evil."
Army Of Darkness: Ash is in 1300 A.D.
"My name is Ash. And I am a slave. As close as I can figure it the year is 1300 A.D. and I am being dragged to my death."
Evil Dead: There is no date given for when it takes place. Judging by the clothes and cars, anywhere from the 1990s to modern day (film was released in 2013).
Ash Vs Evil Dead: All that's indicated is that it's been 30 years since he went to the cabin.
"30 years ago my friends and I spent the night at a cabin. We found a book... And for the past 30 years, I've been hiding out."
Ash Vs Evil Dead 2: We find out that the
events of the cabin incident happened in 1982 because they go to 1982, which means the events of Ash Vs Evil Dead happen 30 years later, around 2012.
Ash Vs Evil Dead 3: We find out that Evil Ruby has been Brandy's guidance counselor (Mrs. Previtt) for 2 years. If Evil Ruby hitched a ride back with the Ghostbeaters to their time from 1982, that means season 3 is at least 2 years later from the events in season 2.
Brandy also graduates in 4 months, indicating that it's early in the year, likely January.
The ghost of Brock takes Ash on a flashback vision to December 2012, which was right before Ash came back into town (season 2).
This all means that the events of season 1 took place in 2012.
Season 2 took place some months later in 2013.
Season 3 takes place at least two years from 2013, thus it's very likely January 2015.
It should be noted that the first three films (and Ash Vs Evil Dead) happen in parallel timelines and thusly can't be determined for sure if they happen on the same dates. That's my theory. It was apparent in Evil Dead II when Annie shows the prophecy and then Ash goes back in time to fulfill it. That indicated, to me, that the Ash from The Evil Dead went through similar events that mirrored what we see Ash, in Evil Dead II, go through. Same for Army Of Darkness. As well as the Ash in Ash Vs Evil Dead. It's all a time loop of slightly altered parallel timelines.
So to answer the question,
for Ash Vs Evil Dead:
Season 1: 2012
Season 2: early 2013
Season 3: likely January 2015
AVED Ash went to the cabin in 1982.