Deadline reports that Ray Santiago and Dana DeLorenzo have been cast as Ash’s sidekicks in Starz’s upcoming 10-episode series Ash vs Evil Dead.
Ray Santiago (Touch) and Dana DeLorenzo (A Very Harold & Kumar 3D Christmas) have been cast opposite Bruce Campbell in Starz’s 10-episode series Ash Vs Evil Dead, the followup to the cult film franchise. In it, Campbell reprises his role as Ash, the evildeadaging lothario and chainsaw-handed monster hunter who has spent the last 30 years avoiding responsibility, maturity and the terrors of the Evil Dead. When a Deadite plague threatens to destroy all of mankind, Ash is finally forced to face his demons – personal and literal. Santiago, repped by TalentWorks, Levity Entertainment Group and Ginsburg Daniels, will play Pablo Simon Bolivar, an idealistic immigrant who becomes Ash’s loyal sidekick – a Sancho Panza to Ash’s Don Quixote. Starz logoPablo believes in Ash’s heroism even if Ash himself doesn’t.