Waxwork Records is re-releasing the score to Evil Dead 2 composed by Joseph LoDuca as a deluxe LP. Here’s the kicker, they’re allowing fans to come up with the design of the LP packaging:
We’re letting YOU, the fans, design the LP release! This is certainly unchartered territory for any record label, but we feel that this film and score is a beloved horror gem, and only the hardest of the hardcore EVIL DEAD 2 fans can come up with the BEST possible LP package.
Over the next few weeks, we will allow any one and every one of you hardcore DEADITES to choose the artist, the vinyl colors, contribute liner notes, and more! Waxwork will set up a polling system that will allow you to choose how YOU would like our upcoming EVIL DEAD 2 deluxe soundtrack to look, feel, and more!
EVIL DEAD 2 is scheduled as a 2016 release. Put your thinking caps on, polish your chainsaws, and let’s get groovy.