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Bruce Campbell Confirms New Evil Dead Film Writer and Director

By 06.08.20News

Bruce Campbell has confirmed in the July Heroes Issue of Empire Magazine that Lee Cronin will be the writer and director of the next Evil Dead film.

In the interview, Bruce opens up on the latest development of the new Evil Dead film:

“We’re just getting off the phone with Lee Cronin, who is writing and directing the next Evil Dead,” he confirmed when asked whether there was life in the old cabin in the woods. “It’s called Evil Dead Now. Sam handpicked Lee – he did a cool movie called The Hole In The Ground. We’re going to get that sucker out as soon as practical.”

“From this point forward, they kind of have to stand on their own. Which is fine. And liberating,” says Campbell. “You could have different heroes, different heroines in this case. This one’s gonna be a little more dynamic.” He added: “We just want to keep the series current. And the mantra, really, is that our heroes and heroines are just regular people. That’s what we’re going to continue.”

Lee Cronin