evil dead

  1. Kain

    Evil Dead Chainsaw Replicas Thread

    I decided to start an official thread for Evil Dead chainsaw replicas. As you may know, Rob over at Evil Dead Chainsaws sells replicas. Here's his thread. It's been a while so I'm not sure if he still making replicas or not. Syndicate Collectables has an Army of Darkness chainsaw replica coming...
  2. E

    Evil Dead 2 workprint?

    I remember a couple of years ago, there was 30 minute workprint of Evil Dead 2 on YouTube. Wanted re watch it today but the video was gone. I tried looking around online for it but i can't find a download or anything. Does this workprint still exist on the internet? or is it now impossible to...
  3. B

    My Thoughts Why Evil Dead Was Cancelled?

    This is from my review I had written for IMDB. Ash vs The Evil Dead is the greatest show on television. The show has drama, action, and witty humor. It is personally my favorite TV Series of All Time. The show was cancelled because of piracy. Which led to low ratings because not everyone can...
  4. SketchyGamer

    When did Ash go to the cabin according to AvED?

    Ok so I was thinking about this, and noticed something. In Ash vs. Evil Dead Season 1 e1, Ash states that it is the 30th anniversary since he lost his hand (trip to the cabin in ed1&2). And season 1 came out in 2015, but the Evil Dead came out in 1981, and Evil Dead 2 was just a continuation of...
  5. KateShkar

    Evil Dead - Book of the Dead Copyright stolen by Troll...

    Does anyone know how to contact Tom Sullivan? He needs to know about this! Yes, it is true... a company called Nightmare Novelty has copyrighted the book from the movies that Tom Sullivan created. Just seems to funny to be true. They steal someones intellectual property, claim it is their...
  6. Jason Voorhees

    Adam Marcus on Deadite Jason

    Adam Marcus stated Sam Raimi liked his idea of Jason being a deadite and gave him the prop other sources says Sam Raimi was upset that Adam Marcus would make those lies up and stated he only gave the Necronomicon as a Easter egg object. What's everyone thoughts on this concept? He went on in a...
  7. E

    An Ash Vs Evil Dead Drinking Game

    So i've always been a longtime fan of the evil dead and i don't know how i managed to stay in the dark about Ash vs Evil dead for so long but that show is amazing. It's everything i wanted it to be. Lately i've been writing for a drinking game website so I decided to slip in an Ash Vs Evil Dead...
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