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Evil Dead (2013) Extended Scenes Aired on Channel 4 UK

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IMDB users reported that Channel 4 in the UK recently aired Evil Dead (2013) with 4 minutes and ten seconds worth of extended footage that was cut from the theatrical release. Here is a full list of scenes:

1. Extra scene near the well after Mia has disposed of her drugs down it when she walks away talking about what’s gonna happen to her during her withdrawl etc.

2. Extra scene when first in the cabin with her brother looking around. He sees a window open and a cat jumps out, screaches and jumps out the window.

3. There is an extra scene in the kitchen when the girls hand is possessed. She is sittng on the kitchen floor looking at Mia who is peering from the cellar and says ‘give me back my hand’ whilst Mia is singing ‘we’re gonna get you not another peep’.

4.The tongue cutting scene with the Stanley knife is longer and more drawn out on all thre close ups.

5. There is an extra scene in the cabin as her brother and his girlfriend are sitting against the wall, the other guy comes in and puts a jug of water down on the floor then drinks it all and says thanks for helping him!

6. After her brother say to the other guy outside by the car after they have been attacked by Mia in the cellar that he knows what he has to do, there is a scene of him putting a blanket over one of the girl victims, pours petrol on it and sets her alight, then in the cabin, he chains down the other girl victim and chainsaws her up, blood gushing everywhere and on the light too.

7. After her brother shoots the petrol can blowing up the cabin, we then go back into the cabin which is all alight with the male zombie crawling towards her brother on fire shouting ‘join us’. The camera glides to the door where here brother is on fire and his eyes change.

8. Deleted end credit scene. Mia, walking along a deserted road collapses and a pick up truck stops and a man gets out to help (NOT Bruce Campbell), and she asks for help. Then driving her to a hospital saying she is going to be ok, Mia wakes up with her eyes wide open but not possessed.

Check out the thread for more details and clips.

Featured Podcast: Nerdist Interviews Sam Raimi

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Chris Hardwick and the crew at Nerdist talk to Sam Raimi about his love of gardening, weird things that happened during the filming of The Evil Dead, and numerous TV shows he produces. Sam also talks about the new movie on video on demand, Murder of a Cat, produced by Sam and directed by his wife, Gillian Greene.

Listen to the podcast here

Bruce Campbell Talks Ash vs. The Evil Dead Details

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Bruce Campbell talks about the state of his character Ash in the latest issue of Entertainment Weekly:

“Ash has survivor’s guilt,” said Campbell. “You could have a [field day] with his PTSD. He’s a war vet. He doesn’t want to talk about it, and he’ll lie about that stump on his hand to impress the ladies. That’s what I look forward to playing – a guy with horrible flaws. In Army of Darkness he can’t memorize three words, and he’s responsible for the death of a hundred people – this is your lead character!”

Bruce was asked why we’re getting a television series instead of a movie:

“We realized if we made another movie, frankly, it would probably be too expensive,” Campbell admitted, “but in the format of a TV show, we could give people exactly what they wanted and expand the character and story even more. And we never burned Evil Dead as a franchise out – it’s not like we did 13 of these movies. So we felt like, what the heck, let’s give it a try.”

The Evil Dead television series titled Ash vs. The Evil Dead will debut sometime in 2015 on Starz. The series will be a half hour horror comedy following Ash as he takes a road trip to kill deadites with the help of two young helpers.

Read the full interview here*

Skuzzles Limited Edition Army of Darkness Posters

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Skuzzles—an artistic outfit that “specializes in developing limited edition movie art based off cult classics”, has teamed up with MGM to create two new Army of Darkness posters. The officially licensed posters come to us from a pair of artists, U.K. based Chris Weston and Canadian Jeff Boyes. The prints will be available in two variants on Friday December 12th at noon EST at Skuzzles.

Starz Greenlights Evil Dead TV Series

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According to Entertainment Weekly, Starz has officially greenlighted the Evil Dead TV series set to debut in 2015. Sam Raimi will executive produce the series as well as write and direct the first episode, with Rob Tapert also executive producing. Bruce Campbell will be reprising his iconic career-making role as Ash.

The logline: “Bruce Campbell will be reprising his role as Ash, the stock boy, aging lothario and chainsaw-handed monster hunter who has spent the last 30 years avoiding responsibility, maturity and the terrors of the Evil Dead. When a Deadite plague threatens to destroy all of mankind, Ash is finally forced to face his demons –personal and literal. Destiny, it turns out, has no plans to release the unlikely hero from its ‘Evil’ grip.”

Read more here.