Evil Dead (2013) Cast



Jane Levy

Mia, David’s sister is brought to the cabin by her friends to treat her terrible drug addiction that she developed as a means to numb the pain of her mother’s death. She is the first to discover and be possessed by the evil in the woods.



Shiloh Fernandez

David accompanies his sister Mia along with his girlfriend Natalie and their friends Olivia and Eric to the cabin to help Mia treat her drug addiction. At first he doesn’t believe Mia’s encounter with the evil in the woods but later ends up having to kill his friends in order to survive.



Elizabeth Blackmore

David’s girlfriend and a registered physician tries to help Mia treat her drug addiction. During the film her hand gets possessed by the evil forcing her to saw it off but she later turns into a deadite.



Jessica Lucas

Olivia a friend and registered nurse joins the group to help treat Mia. She is the first to get possessed after Mia.



Lou Taylor Pucci

ric is David’s arrogant and pretentious friend who discovers and transcribes the Necronomicon unleashing the evil in the woods. He takes a beating throughout the film and later advises David how to get rid of the evil.

Grandpa the Dog

Grandpa the Dog


David's dog that accompanies the group to the cabin. Sadly he's the first in the group to get killed.

Teenage Girl

Teenage Girl

Phoenix Connolly

Injured girl seen in the prologue who is running for her life in the woods, gets captured by rednecks who bring her back to the infamous cabin where she is restrained in the cellar. She is set on fire and killed by her father Harold in order to release her from the evil.



Jim McLarty

Harold is the Professor Knowby like character in the remake. Not much is known about him. In the prologue of the film, he burns his daughter alive and kills her with shotgun in order to stop the evil.

Old Woman

Old Woman

Sian Davis

A mysterious old woman seen in the prologue of the film talking in a strange language. Not much is known about her but she seems to be some kind witch.